6′+ Episode 117 is Up!

2013 Logo IconTo quote the description given at the new listing:

“Strange Jason is missing on this episode that features the Gdl16 Intern hosting, along with The Monstermatt Minute, Heather Buckley’s Oddscurities, Killer Kuts from Kraig Khaos and music from The Mad Doctors, The Hamburgulars, The Phantom Rockers, Haunted George and more!”

Remember to email 6′+ (contact at 6ftplus.com) or leave a comment below about the show, whether you liked it or not. Tell your friends, leave a review on iTunes, but above all – enjoy.

You can find all episodes of 6′+ over at the official site as well as on iTunes, Stitcher and Spreaker. They’re also on Facebook and Twitter.

Freaky Tiki Surf-ari: The Return

Guess who?

I started the Freaky Tiki Surf-ari four years ago and find myself pleasantly surprised by how the exotica genre seems to embrace its freaky side more and more each year. Hopefully you had similar feelings about our surprise foreshadowing on the podcast. This year is no exception and I think you will find the albums selected for this year’s installment to be quite fascinating. So as we await the future, let’s look to the past with last year’s Freaky Tiki Surf-ari:

Freaky Tiki Surf-ari: The Return
Freaky Tiki Surf-ari: Crafts and Cocktails
Freaky Tiki Surf-ari: Volcano Kings
Freaky Tiki Surf-ari: Hans Karl
Freaky Tiki Surf-ari: The Coffin Daggers
Freaky Tiki Surf-ari: Les Baxter
Freaky Tiki Surf-ari: 6′+ Episode 73 is Up!

I have also received word of an upcoming Kava Kon EP called Virgin Lava. In an odd parallel with this year’s Surf-ari, it contains both remixes (or in the FTS’ case, sequels) and new material. Exotica fans will also appreciate its retro-style cover. Best of all, it’s only the tip of the iceberg since Kava Kon has other new projects in the works! While we wait for those projects, you can enjoy the numerous free downloads available at both of Kava Kon’s SoundCloud pages.

And of that isn’t enough free musical goodness for you, we also have the all exotica episode and the all surf episode of our podcast as well.

Stop the Countdown!

Over the past weekend, I walked into a Party City to kill some time and see if there was any creepy-Birthday related supplies as a last minute celebration of a particular bat-winged DJ I know. And, despite it not even being August, there was a section that had been cleared out, plastered with orange wallpaper and adhered with a sign that read HALLOWEEN IS COMING. I had to roll my eyes.

In the past, I’ve talked about how the song “Halloween” by the Dead Kennedys is inappropriate for a song for the actual holiday, but I have been proven wrong thanks to some overeager retailers.

Take this lyric:

But what’s in between
Where are your ideas
You sit around and dream
For next Halloween

That bit comes towards the end of the song where the subject of the story has shed his or her costume and is now planning for the one time of the year where they can dress up and act exactly the way that makes them the most happy. Instead of waiting for one single night throughout the whole year, the Dead Kennedys song argues that WHY NOT JUST BE WHO YOU WANT TO BE WHENEVER YOU WANT. This is sometimes easier said than done if you’re living in a highly restrictive town who might look at you weird when you go out to pick up some groceries while dressed like a Mummy.

If you’re counting down to Halloween, just stop. Knock it off. Clearly you want to celebrate or being weird and creepy. Congratulations – you’re part of this certain part of the populous. Go find some awesome stuff to hang on your walls from Etsy and join in. STOP COUNTING DOWN TO HALLOWEEN. If you’re that excited about the day, CELEBRATE IT EVERY DAY. Be like Al Jorgensen back before he discovered heroin.

There shouldn’t be any kind of Halloween merchandise showing up in stores until the latter half of August, if not at the start of September. I love creepy shit but seeing Halloween start in the middle of the summer feels out of place. Halloween is associated with a certain time of year and for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, that’s around the time when the leaves start to fall and the temperature follows along. Halloween stuff being on sale along with Tiki and barbecue party supplies is akin to the Misfits bikini – two thinks you love independently that go GREAT together in theory, but the actual execution is horribly, horribly wrong.

I think my main problem is that I love Halloween, but I also hate* Halloween. I’ve got a lot of issues with the holiday, specifically certain retailers stocking costumes that perpetuate racist stereotypes and misogynistic ideals. But also, suddenly these interests I have are suddenly out in the forefront in a very commercialized spotlight. I love it when the entire world turns creepy and weird, but when I see the price tags and MADE IN CHINA attached to it, I get the same curmudgeon-esque attitudes like those who bitch about how Christmas has lost its true meaning.

Back before the Internet, Halloween was the only time of year the weirdos could get the kind of items they wanted to hang up all year ’round. But now, with Etsy stores and 24/7/356 outlets available, those who want to have Halloween everyday in their kitchen can do so as long as they have a valid credit card or paypal account. Seeing Halloween stuff in stores doesn’t elicit joy – instead, I feel dread, fear and loathing.

This might be me trying to hold back the ocean. Halloween, like Christmas, New Years and other holidays that require a lot of accoutrements are a money boom for retailers. We could boycott these stores and not buy Halloween products until the first of October. But knowing how some of the General Buying Public loses its shit on Black Friday, I wouldn’t be surprised if people are excited to have all the Halloween stuff taken care of before the end of September.

Who knows, man. Who knows.


Freaky Tiki Surf-ari: 6′+ Episode 116 is Up!

2013 Logo IconTo quote the description given at the new listing:

“It wouldn’t be summer without this yearly event of surf and exotica. We have music from Creepxotica, Hell-O-Tiki, Go!Tsunami, The Atomic Mosquitos, The Hula Girls and more. Monstermatt Patterson tries to go surfing but can’t find a stable wifi connection.”

Remember to email 6′+ (contact at 6ftplus.com) or leave a comment below about the show, whether you liked it or not. Tell your friends, leave a review on iTunes, but above all – enjoy.

You can find all episodes of 6′+ over at the official site as well as on iTunes, Stitcher and Spreaker. They’re also on Facebook and Twitter.

6′+ Episode 115 is Up!

2013 Logo IconTo quote the description given at the new listing:

“The heat is killer so we try to help you out with a selection of ‘cool’ music, with tunes from The VooDuo, As Diabatz, The Rosedales, Cripple Creek Fairies and more. Monstermatt Patterson stays indoors and watches television, bringing you a classic TV version of the Monstermatt Minute. Plus, we’ve got a movie recommendation from the Music City Madman, Dr. Gangrene.”

Remember to email 6′+ (contact at 6ftplus.com) or leave a comment below about the show, whether you liked it or not. Tell your friends, leave a review on iTunes, but above all – enjoy.

You can find all episodes of 6′+ over at the official site as well as on iTunes, Stitcher and Spreaker. They’re also on Facebook and Twitter.

Doorways To Horror

One of the many short lived crazes of the 1980s was VHS games. The idea was that watching and playing along with a video tape would add a new aspect to board games. Maybe this was an attempt to deal with increased competition from video games or maybe it was just a way to cash in on the VHS boom. Whatever the reason was, this craze saw the release of a game called Doorways To Horror from Pressman Toy Corporation in 1986. I have long since forgotten the rules, but the basic idea was to watch the tape packaged with the game and to follow the instructions provided by the narration. Here’s a short clip from it to demonstrate:

I personally cared less about the game and more about the tape of horror movie clips. I only recognized a handful of clips when I first watched it and although I was able to identify more over the years, there were still plenty whose origins eluded me. Even my fellow members of Gravedigger’s Local 16 could only help me name a few of them! Thankfully many knowledgeable people at the Latarnia and Classic Horror Film Board forums were kind enough to help me fill in the blanks. I even learned that board game design legend Sid Sackson had a hand in its creation. So for the first time ever online, here is the complete list that identifies which clip comes from which film in Doorways To Horror:

Creature from the Haunted Sea
Curse of the Swamp Creature
The Terror
Medusa Against the Son of Hercules
Bride of the Monster
White Zombie
The Beast of the Yellow Night
The Phantom Creeps
Night of the Living Dead
Bride of the Monster
Johnny the Giant Killer
Nightmare Castle
The Ape Man
The Witch`s Mirror
Spooks Run Wild
The Little Shop of Horrors
Night of the Living Dead
World of the Vampires
Curse of the Crying Woman
Curse of the Crying Woman
Curse of the Crying Woman
World of the Vampires
Curse of the Crying Woman
Curse of the Crying Woman
World of the Vampires
The Monster Walks
Hillbillys in a Haunted House
World of the Vampires
World of the Vampires
The Monster Maker
World of the Vampires
Curse of the Crying Woman
The Lost World
Curse of the Crying Woman
White Zombie
White Zombie
White Zombie
Circus of Fear
Curse of the Crying Woman
The Beast of the Yellow Night
The Witch`s Mirror
The Beast of the Yellow Night
World of the Vampires
White Zombie
Popeye Meets Sinbad the Sailor
The Witch`s Mirror
Clash of the Wolves
White Zombie
The Witch`s Mirror
Popeye Meets Sinbad the Sailor
I Was a Teenage Werewolf
White Zombie
The Beast of the Yellow Night
The Witch`s Mirror
World of the Vampires
Popeye Meets Sinbad the Sailor
The Man and the Monster
The Witch`s Mirror

In case you were wondering, the clip above covers the first nine films mentioned. Sadly the awful jokes continue for the rest of the game. I get the feeling certain clips were chosen for their potential for jokes. Why else would anyone use footage that features an ordinary chimp in a game like this? But on the other hand they skip scenes with tons of potential for humor, like the unintentionally hilarious giant octopus scene from Bride of the Monster. Also baffling is the decision to present footage from the color film Medusa Against the Son of Hercules in black and white! Did they somehow get a black and white print of the film prepared for television syndication? And why didn’t they use any footage of Medusa? I’m not talking about a woman wearing a wig made of rubber snakes either, as that film’s “Medusa” is some kind of one-eyed walking tree thing. It’s not like they could have passed it off as some other type of monster if they wanted to. Oh, did I forget to mention that aspect of the tape? Characters from White Zombie and Circus of Fear are referred to as vampires and any monster with facial hair is called a werewolf. One of my favorite examples is how they use scenes from the Clash of the Wolves for one of the werewolf segments. Not only are the wolves obvious German Shepherds, but the film is actually a silent western starring Rin Tin Tin! The only clip that features an actual werewolf is the one taken from the trailer for I Was a Teenage Werewolf, complete with narration and onscreen text. But if they felt that footage from trailers counted as being in the public domain, why didn’t they use footage from trailers of the classic horror movies that the cover art implies will be in the game? I can’t say I blame them for constantly using clips from Mexican horror movies, as those tend to have a lot of stuff crammed into their plots. But why mine White Zombie and cartoons for so much footage and only touch on The Lost World once? Come to think of it, why did they use a clip from Metropolis in Doorways To Adventure when it would have worked better in this game? That game’s tape is much longer than Doorways To Horror and it makes more sense in the context of a horror game. But despite all of my criticisms, I do have a fondness for the tape. Even though I lost the game and packaging years ago, I still have the VHS that came with it. It was my first exposure to many films I would enjoy later in life and hearing the theme music always makes me smile. Even the films whose clips were only recently identified for me brought a thrill as I thought of all the interesting horror films that are out there.

But don’t get your hopes up for the game being revived for disc-based media any time soon. Despite being sourced from many apparently public domain sources (with the seeming exception of Hillbillys in a Haunted House), a good chunk of the films have either had their copyrights restored or could potentially have them restored in the future thanks to developments set in place by the GATT agreement. I have heard some claim that NAFTA is responsible for Mexican films having their copyrights restored in America. But even if that was not the case, there’s still the matter of its VHS origins. The reason the VHS game craze ended was the lack of interactivity. The tape was the same each time it was played and the promised differences in gameplay were just minor variations on which player would win. Playing along with the tape only became more and more of a chore after each gaming session and this is true even if the game is ported onto a new format. The only VHS game with any long term success that let it survive into the age of DVD was the Nightmare (aka Atmosfear) series, which often required buying new tapes in order change up the games. In fact, one of its DVD installments was released by Pressman! Although DVD games are more popular than their VHS counterparts, with the Scene It? series arguably being the most successful, putting Doorways To Horror on a disc would not cut it. Given the massive storage capacity and use of chapters on DVDs and Blu-rays, it would make more sense to create a new game that would randomly play clips so that it could be played multiple times without getting boring. But with streaming content seemingly set to replace disc-based home media, one wonders if such games have any future left at all. Thank goodness everyone who has enjoyed watching them will always have the memories.

6′+ Episode 114 is Up!

2013 Logo IconTo quote the description given at the new listing:

“Join for a chill, summer vacation with exotica music from The Metrolites, The Jimmy Psycho Experiment, Mr. Ho’s Orchestrotica, Clouseaux and much more. Monstermatt Patterson gets turned into a tiki idol and the island sinks.”

Remember to email 6′+ (contact at 6ftplus.com) or leave a comment below about the show, whether you liked it or not. Tell your friends, leave a review on iTunes, but above all – enjoy.

You can find all episodes of 6′+ over at the official site as well as on iTunes, Stitcher and Spreaker. They’re also on Facebook and Twitter.

Must Take Test Before Seeing “Dementia 13”

I hope you studied!

Everyone in town is talking about the “D-13” test which the producers of “Dementia 13” require to be taken before you are permitted to see this shocking, horror movie now playing at the Leathbridge Theatre.

Unprecedented in the annals of Hollywood, this is a test to determine the ability of the individual to withstand the shock and if it proven that the person’s emotional stability is below par, it is recommended, for his own protection, that he not see this picture.

The test was prepared by William J. Bryan, M.D., of Los Angeles, the first medical doctor to specialize in the full-time practice of medical hypnosis.

Dr. Bryan explains, “Certain people are adversely affected by violent motion pictures. My test will determine their ability to withstand shock. Those unable to pass this test, for their own protection, will be asked to leave the theatre.

Starring William Campbell, Luana Anders, Bart Patton and Mary Mitchel, “Dementia 13” was produced by Roger Corman while it was written and directed by Francis Coppola.

Although the cast and production team is mainly American, the film wa shot in Ireland in order that the ultimate mood and effects could be achieved. In fact the cast and crew lived in a small village by the quaint name of Newtownmountkennedy. The exteriors are filmed in various places around the Irish countryside including famous Howth Castle, while interiors were shot at the Ardmore Studios in Bray near Dublin.

“Dementia 13” is a Filmgroup Production for American International release.

[This post is based around one of many prepared articles included in the pressbook for Dementia 13. With the exception of adding a theater name in order to mimic how this would have looked in an old newspaper, the article has been unchanged. To see more (including the “D-13” test), head on over to Zombos’ Closet of Horrors. Despite the gimmicky nature of the “D-13” test, Dr. William J. Bryan was not a fake name cooked up for publicity; he was a real doctor and even appeared in the original prologue for the film. Said prologue is currently missing, as it was either removed for TV showings or by theater owners who didn’t like the idea of potentially turning away customers after the film’s initial run finished. However some footage from it can be seen in this trailer.]

6′+ Episode 113 is Up!

2013 Logo IconTo quote the description given at the new listing:

“Our yearly international celebration spans the globe, with music from Jinetes Fantasmas, Angry Jerks, Los Morts, Voodoo Zombie and more. Listen as Strange Jason mangles at least five languages. Monstermatt got deported! It’s all zany and out of control.”

Remember to email 6′+ (contact at 6ftplus.com) or leave a comment below about the show, whether you liked it or not. Tell your friends, leave a review on iTunes, but above all – enjoy.

You can find all episodes of 6′+ over at the official site as well as on iTunes, Stitcher and Spreaker. They’re also on Facebook and Twitter.

Free (Legal) Download: Decay

Decay?  Yay!

Back when CERN and the Large Hadron Collider were in the news, some people expressed concern it could result in black holes causing the end of the world. But what the subject of this installment of “Free (Legal) Download” reveals they really should have been worrying about zombies. Decay was actually filmed on location by physics students (although CERN did not authorize nor endorse the film itself). Said filming started in 2010 and the completed movie was posted online by H2ZZ Productions on December 8th 2012. Although made in Switerland, it was filmed in English.

Do not let its being made by students or having an online release fool you into thinking this is a short horror film. Decay is a full length feature film and its being online is due to it being available for download under a Creative Commons license. Not only do its makers encourage downloading the film, they also are okay with people reediting and reusing footage for noncommercial purposes.

Decay can be downloaded at the film’s official website, which also offers downloadable subtitles in a variety of languages for use with the free VLC media player while watching the film. But it gets even better! The soundtrack for Decay is also being offered as a free download (and is also being offered under a Creative Commons license). As I noted in my article on The Werewolf Cult Chronicles, Creative Commons horror films are the perfect way to pump some much needed new blood into the selection of films being used in the horror host community. Hosts whose shows air on public access channels could probably play it for free while those playing on channels receiving ad revenue (or who want to release the episode featuring it onto home video or as a paid download) could most likely license for far less than what your standard horror movie would go for. In any case, interested parties should contact the filmmakers through their website before using the film.

Creative Commons License

The image illustrating this article was licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 License. The rest of the article is copyrighted by Gravedigger’s Local 16.

As always, Gravedigger’s Local 16 is not to be held responsible for anything that may occur (be it good or bad) as a result of downloading from any links given here. Attempt at your own discretion. Blah blah blah…

6′+ Episode 112 is Up!

2013 Logo IconTo quote the description given at the new listing:

“Celebrate the 4th of July and Canada Day with music from both countries as well as Heather Buckley’s Oddscurities (we talk WAXWORKS 2) The Monstermatt Minute, music from The Creepshow, Black Cat Attack, The Brains and more – plus the debut of Kraig Khaos’s Killer Kuts!”

Remember to email 6′+ (contact at 6ftplus.com) or leave a comment below about the show, whether you liked it or not. Tell your friends, leave a review on iTunes, but above all – enjoy.

You can find all episodes of 6′+ over at the official site as well as on iTunes, Stitcher and Spreaker. They’re also on Facebook and Twitter.

Quick And Dirty Alien Artifact

A friend of mine is having an “Area 51” themed Halloween party and asked if I would be willing to come up with some decorations. He already had an awesome prop of a grey alien in a cryochamber from last year (created from a cylindrical Coca-Cola ice cooler he salvaged from a local convenience store) as well as some nifty plasma globes, fog machines, and lighting effects from his DJ set-up. After a little back and forth we decided I would do some alien artifacts and specimens that would be displayed around the “facility” in his garage.

After spending $2 on a pair of children’s puzzles at the Salvation Army I had the makings of a “hyperdimensional energy tap”. The first puzzle was a four-sided pyramid made from nesting plastic squares, while the second included about three dozen trapezoid-shaped tiles that could be combined to form different animal shapes. After fiddling around for an hour, and the liberal application of some gel-type superglue, this is what I came up with:

The basic frame measures roughly 8″ by 6″ by 6″ and was formed by supergluing the pyramid squares together at right angles. The tiles from the animal game were then glued to the squares to provide some visual detail.

To provide a suggestion of age and some additional visual interest I added some scattered texture to the project by daubing on Bondo glazing putty. Once that was dry I spray-painted the whole thing with a black primer coat and then hand painted it metallic copper followed by a green wash in selected areas. That was all topped off by drybrushing the piece with some bright yellow and metallic antique gold. Here’s the final result:

I’m pretty happy with how it turned out, particularly for a one night project with no real budget. The bizarre geometry of the piece is purely the result of stumbling across a puzzle that had such interesting shapes, but it certainly captures the look of an alien technological artifact. If I ever try something like this again the only change I would make is the paint. I like the final color scheme, but if I’d used enamel paints with metal particles instead of craft acrylics the finish would look a lot more like real metal. Testors used to have an aluminum paint that you could drybrush on and then buff to a beautiful metallic shine

This article originally appeared at Propnomicon.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

Gravedigger’s Local 16 is not to be held responsible for the content on or anything that may occur (be it good or bad) as a result of visiting any links (or constructing a project that’s detailed on them). Attempt at your own discretion.

Music to Game By IV

Just like last year, I’m here to take another look at the albums I reviewed for my “Music to Haunt By” article series with their use in tabletop role-playing games in mind. Also like last time, the order of the albums reflects the order in which I reviewed them and does not mean I ranked one over another. Although I had to remove some tracks for spacing purposes, you can find the complete tracks in each of the links. While the original reviewers reviewed the tracks in order, I decided to go out of order this time around. I think this lets me focus on similar tracks all in one go rather than repeating myself over and over again. It also lets me concentrate on what I feel are the “Best” tracks when it comes to gaming. Your opinions may vary:

IntrosoundThe Horrorville Haunt is an interesting ambient album due to its splitting itself into two halves: one for music and the other for soundscapes. Most of the music tracks have random effects playing throughout them and don’t seem all that useful for use while role playing (at least, in my opinion). But there are some that do fit the bill. Thanks to the use of an evil voice welcoming the listener and some circus-style music, “Tuned-in to Terror,” “Freddy’s Hallway to Hell!” and “Horror-thon” can be used together for an adventure in a circus or funhouse, either one that’s haunted or in a superhero RPG. “Tuned-in to Terror” can also be used in a haunted club encounter. “Shock! Chiller Movie Theme”offers low key piano work and minimal use of sound effects. Its musical “crawling” feel makes it perfect for encounters with insects. The soft opening buildup eerie music that starts “Underneath the House” is wonderfully understated and ethereal. It should be noted, however, that it cranks up the amount of odd effects towards the end. “Underworld Pt I-Trapped!” gives the listener the sense of wandering through a maze of tunnels. That, and the sound of growling monsters make it great for a dungeon crawl…as long as you don’t mind the electrically distorted “Help me” towards the end. “Underworld Pt III-Possessed” makes great use of a creepy music box and echoed mumbling in Latin while “Underworld Pt IV-Doomed” has plenty of snarls and growls, along with a musical sense of fearful wandering that only increases as time goes on. “When Crows Attack!” combines the sounds of cawing crows and wind while “Kruegerville Ghost Town” is great for explorations of abandoned areas thanks to its slamming shutters and hinges creaking in the loud wind (along with the occasional barking dog).

“Stinkin’ Flies!” consists of nothing but the sound of buzzing flies, which is great for scenes of slaughter, junkyards and other filthy locales. “HauntScape” makes the listeners feel like they’re surrounded by spirits swirling around you, thanks to its combination of wind and soft ghostly wails and groans. “Horror Thunder Storm” offers howling wind and rumbling thunder and lightning strikes and “Werewolf II” has just what you expect it to have. The ghostly breathing and pulsing noises of “The Soul Machine” would be great for a laboratory or, if you play Call of Cthulhu, with a Tillinghast Resonator. “Vampire’s Lair” features low wind, flapping wings and bats chittering. I personally found the chittering to sound kinda cutesy, so this might be better used with younger gamers. Adventurers playing Pathfinder and the like will surely appreciate your using “Forest Of Apparitions” during the inevitable forest encounters. There’s plenty of bird calls and insects faintly chirping, along with soft wind and the occasional monstrous groaning.

Attrition – Since This Death House was originally supposed to be the soundtrack for the unreleased zombie role-playing game “Death House,” it would make sense to use it in a horror scenario involving zombies. So although the album has only two tracks, the fact that each of them is over 22 minutes long will make use of them during gaming easy. The dark and foreboding opening of “Crawling” sets the tone for the rest of the track. There’s plenty of electro touches, wailing wind and various noises which remind me of malfunctioning machinery. It’s unnerving enough to use with a variety of settings, but the machine-sounding parts (and really spacey noises which come in later ) makes me think this is perfect for a laboratory, cyberpunk setting or a scenario like this. In contrast, “Dead of night” has a lower key opening that slowly builds up. Although more musical than the last track, there’s plenty of effects like pounding, whooshing wind and a police siren-like noises at points. It’s hardy to truly describe it, but it somehow creeps out the listener by making them not sure of what is going on (or what will happen in the future). I could see this being used while players explore a factory or navigate around a bottomless pit.

Grave Tone Productions – Only the opening and closing tracks of Dead By Midnight aren’t rock music. “Dying of the Day” would be a great to start a horror game with, as its opening has sounds of wind and soft piano work usher in a narrator who warns of the dangers present when the sun goes down. The rocking guitars of “Night Terror” are combined with tolling bells, wordless female vocals, ticking clock and children singing about a monster. Rattling noises and slow piano work give “Fatal Melody” an eerie feel. So much so that the energetic rock elements don’t detract from it. There’s a definite sense of creeping or ascending and the unisex chorus towards the end really adds to the effect. This could work in any spooky encounter. “Death Awaits” has a fast and heavy rock intro which sets the tone for the rest of the track. The unisex backing choir is very creepy and nicely meshes with the music box-like tones and modern horror stings. Considering the name of the album and use of a clock in an earlier track, the content of “The Final Hour” should not surprise you. “Graveyard Waltz” takes us outdoors, with plenty of appropriate effects like blowing wind, chirping crickets and frogs, distant howls (along with footsteps and a creaking gate) coupled with bursts of piano and spooky string work.

Continue reading

6′+ Episode 111 is Up!

2013 Logo IconTo quote the description given at the new listing:

“Concluding the retrospective on the first half of 2014, this episode premieres a new song from The New Jacobin Club, as well as music from The Surf Zombies, The Goddamn Gallows, Wolfmen From Mars and much more. Monstermatt Patterson gets lyrical but ends up tongue tied in another Monstermatt Minute.”

Remember to email 6′+ (contact at 6ftplus.com) or leave a comment below about the show, whether you liked it or not. Tell your friends, leave a review on iTunes, but above all – enjoy.

You can find all episodes of 6′+ over at the official site as well as on iTunes, Stitcher and Spreaker. They’re also on Facebook and Twitter.

John Carpenter’s The Thing: The Musical

Do you like John Carpenter’s The Thing? Do you like Frank Sinatra? Then you’ll love the following parody from Jon and Al Kaplan:

If the Kaplans seem familiar to you, it’s because they’re the minds behind those hilarious Arnold Schwarzenegger musicals from a few years back. They are also responsible for stage play Silence! The Musical . You can learn more about that parody of The Silence of the Lambs, along with their other work, at their website.

Free RPG Day Is Here!

It's that time of year again!

It’s Free RPG Day and once again we’re doing our own unofficial celebration to the event. If you missed our earlier post highlighting what items will be available this year, you can learn everything you need to know at the official Free RPG Day website. As usual, we’ve got a ton of free downloads prepared:

First things first, it turns out we missed several free downloads from Free RPG Day 2012! In addition to the Pathfinder adventures Shadowsfall: Temple of Orcus and Dawn of the Scarlet Sun, there’s also an introductory game kit for Conspiracy X 2.0, Quick Start rules for the Brass & Steel steampunk adventure The Case of the Croquet Mallet, characters for Dungeon Crawl Classics, EABA Lite and various other freebies.

2013 saw the release of the Pathfinder module We Be Goblins Too! and the controversial Better Than Any Man. The company behind that last one have more great freebies available on their website. As for this year’s Free RPG Day offerings, you can use this picture of Break From Reality Games’ GripMat as a quick and dirty map panel for miniatures. But judging from the video in that link, you should at least consider picking up the real deal.

More and more people are uploading their old homemade role-playing maps onto the internet. Thankfully the Play Generated Map & Document Archive was created to house them (and other old gaming aids). If that somehow isn’t enough for you, just repurpose old tunnel maps from Vietnam. Dave’s Mapper is perfect for generating your own maps while donjon has a random generator for just about anything you can think of.

Godzilla fans will surely appreciate how Toho Kingdom has d20 stats for various Japanese movie monsters which make for a perfect challenge to throw at high level players. Alternately, you can use the stats as completed character sheets and stage some amazing monster brawls. Daikaiju fans should also enjoy the free papercraft monster battle game Phantom Capsule. You can even try customizing it by using papercraft versions of your favorite giant movie monsters.

The online magazine d-Infinity has tons of free gaming stuff, both Lovecraft-related (and d20 no less!) and otherwise.

Those who want more Lovecraft should check out Propnomicon’s article about free downloadable handouts for Golden Goblin Publishing’s Island of Ignorance module. Propnomicon is also an excellent resource for paper props, fonts, documents, photographs and the like.

R. Talsorian and Hero Games’ Fuzion system doesn’t get much attention here and this grave oversight needs to be corrected immediately. Thanks to TranzFuzion, you can find plenty of downloads to suit your needs. Speaking of RPGs in need of more love, be sure to check out the free preview of Mindjammer.

Google Books shows there is plenty of handy information to be found in the previews for The Koboldnomicon and A Player’s Guide to Deminar. Fans of last year’s look at the creatures from Masters and Minions Horde Book 1: A Swarm of Stirges should enjoy what Masters and Minions Horde Book 2: Maze of the Minotaur has to offer.

If you’re in the mood for some occult adventuring in GURPS, Pawnshop is just what you need. These tips on scaring players should also come in handy.

Dream Pod 9 has lots of free role-playing stuff devoted to mecha and monsters while Hex Games has Qik Start rules for QAGS.

With all the changes to the various editions of Dungeons & Dragons over the years, games styled after the early versions have become very popular. The Valley of Eternal Rest from & Magazine is an example of a modern adventure for the 1st edition of Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, but most opt to create new systems in order to mimic classic gameplay. These “retro-clones” include (but aren’t limited to) Dominion Rules, Labyrinth Lord, OSRIC, and Wayfarers.

Here are two amazing resources for free RPG downloads: Darkshire.net’s Free Role-Playing Games and Eric Garrison’s Compendium of Free Role Playing Games. But that’s not all! Wizards of the Coast announced the release of a free download for Basic Dungeons & Dragons to help boost interest in Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition. For more gaming news, check out G*M*S Magazine.

Happy Free RPG Day!

As always, Gravedigger’s Local 16 is not to be held responsible for anything that may occur (be it good or bad) as a result of downloading from any links given here. Attempt at your own discretion. We make no guarantees about the future availability of the material listed above, so get them while you can. Blah blah blah…

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