Thriller Parodies

Parodies are inevitable when you have a music video for a song as popular as Michael Jackson’s “Thriller.” Trying to list them all would take too long, so let’s narrow it down to two. The first is the famous “Indian Thriller”:

Said video is actually a musical number from the movie Donga, which you can learn more about here. Our next selection was sent in by a British friend of mine:

It’s a sketch from The Lenny Henry Show and although that particular series doesn’t seem to have played in America, you might recognize Mr. Henry from his role in the series Chef! In case you’re wondering about the seemingly random “Jehovah’s Witness” line, it’s a reference to a disclaimer Jackson had included at the beginning of the video.

Friday The 13th Merch


Friday the 13th. A film franchise that has spawned more sequels than Kate Gosselin has kids. Over the years, Jason Voorhees has become quite the marketable character. The developementaly disabled zombified mongoloid has stood as a giant above other famous horror icons of his ilk in the merchandise department. Garnering as many different collectible items as to rival Elvis or the Beatles.So, in honor of the upcoming February Friday the 13th, I thought it would be fun to take a look at just a couple of different Friday the 13th merch items that are available that you might have missed over the years.


Numerous box sets of the films have been released on VHS,DVD and Blu-Ray over the years. Chances are, if you are a die hard fan, you have a few or all of the films already. In 2008 Paramount released an 8 disc box set that included a replica Jason mask and 2 pairs of 3-D glasses for viewing part 3.919ssgyMNcL._SL1500_


Aside from numerous t-shirt designs, a few of which I have myself, you can find virtually any item of clothing that adornes the hockey mask of our beloved butcher, Jason. From boxers to beanies to neck ties to socks. You can also find Jason earrings ,bracelets,hair barrettes and necklaces through various online stores. This also includes people hand making items on Etsy.


In the early 90’s, a young adult/teen book series written by Eric Morse was started. The main premise of the series was teens going to the Crystal Lake area, someone finding and putting on the Jason mas and a supernatural power then turning that person into a giant hulking Jason Voorhees. The series was short lived and squashed after 4 books. They have never been reprinted but can be found for a pretty penny on and Amazon.


Since then, books about the making of the films by the filmmakers themselves  and more adult oriented novels have been written and seem to stay in print.


Aside from Jason mask prop replicas, a great number of action figures,dolls and statues have been made. Each year seems to bring a new high end statue or first of a kind figure. From 8″ to a giant 24″ figure, there is always something new. From the beautifully sculpted figures of McFarlane Toys to the highly detailed statues from Sideshow Collectibles, you too can have the ultimate homicidal momma’s boy in your home. This past year actually saw the release of a Friday the 13th part 5 “Jason” figure. A figure of the guy who pretended to be Jason in order to murder a bunch of people.Who ever would thought that we’d see the day.


In 1989, Nintendo released a Friday the 13th video game. And although not popular at the time, a 25 year anniversary  saw a slew of merch from the video game. From 2 different action figures to shirts to beanies to a glow in the dark mask.



The soundtracks and scores to all the films have been released on various formats over the years. Lasy year Wax Work records released the soundtrack to the original Friday the 13th film of a few different colored vinyl. Including one that looked like blood was swirling around inside the vinyl. It was  released with an exclusive art print by Jacqui Oakley.




From purses to cups to posters and everything in between, there is no shortage of crazy Friday the 13th merch out there. So why not show your inner horror geek this Friday the 13th? Strap on your replica hockey mask and Property of Camp Crystal Lake shirt and  get your Jason on.

6’+ Episode 138 is Up!

2013 Logo IconTo quote the description given at the new listing:

“Celebrate WOMEN IN HORROR MONTH with a show of female-fueled horror rock. Hear music from DYPSOMANIAXE, THE FORMALDEBRIDES, THE TRASHWOMEN, GHOULS NIGHT OUT and more! Monstermatt Patterson stops by for the MONSTERMATT MINUTE and Kraig Khaos gives us another KILLER KUT.”

Remember to email 6′+ (contact at or leave a comment below about the show, whether you liked it or not. Tell your friends, leave a review on iTunes, but above all – enjoy.

You can find all episodes of 6′+ over at the official site as well as on iTunes and Stitcher. They’re also on Facebook and Twitter.

Lux, Alice and George

February 4th is an important day in Horror. We celebrate the birth of two important figures and the passing of another.

Today marks the birthdays of both Alice Cooper and George Romero. Two men whose influence is undeniable. Even if you’ve never listened to an Alice Cooper record, one of your favorite artists was likely influenced by him. And without George Romero, the zombie would still be only a part of voodoo and not the worldwide pop culture icon we know today (and that’s not even taking into account his OTHER films like ‘The Crazies’ and ‘Martin.’)

However, Feburary 4th marks the passing of a  music icon: Lux Interior. As the frontman for The Cramps, he was six feet of rock and roll. One of the most charismatic lead singers to set stage, he sadly left this world for a higher rock plane in 2009.

Spend today crankin’ some Alice Cooper and The Cramps while watching some of George Romero’s finest.








Producers Insure Horror Patrons Against Insanity

I didn't think you were going to take my temperature THERE!

Europix-International Ltd., the producers of the new triple horror program, ORGY OF THE LIVING DEAD, which opens soon at the Leathbridge theatre, is taking no chances! Because of the terrifying nature of the program, they are insuring the sanity of every patron who enters the theatre. Anyone who loses his mind as a direct result of viewing this avalanche of grisly horror will receive free psychiatric care, or be placed, at the producer’s expense, in an asylum for the rest of his natural life! Everyone who attends a showing of ORGY OF THE LIVING DEAD is advised to take advantage of this unique protection. The insurance forms will be provided, free of charge, at the theatre boxoffice.

It’s no wonder that Europix-International Ltd. has seen fit to make this extraordinary offer when you stop to consider the pulse-pounding content of the three features that make up this gruesome, all-color program, which includes REVENGE OF THE LIVING DEAD; Mario Bava’s CURSE OF THE LIVING DEAD and FANGS OF THE LIVING DEAD starring International sex-star ANITA EKBERG – for here you will find your deadliest nightmares brought to vivid, startling life as blood-mad vampires pursue their helpless prey; as a homicidal maniac slashes away at the throats of innocent victims; as strange, distorted monsters prowl the corridors of a hospital, rending, stabbing, strangling; as the living dead return from the blackness of their defiled graves to enact an ancient curse on a helpless and terrified humanity!

If you suffer from a nervous condition, or psychiatric problems which can be activated bu exposure to fear, shock and horror, Europix-International Ltd., in conjunction with the Leathbridge theatre, strongly advise you to take advantage of this incredible insurance policy before seeing ORGY OF THE LIVING DEAD!

[This post is based around a prepared article included in the pressbook for the “Orgy of the Living Dead” triple feature. With the exception of adding a theater name in order to mimic how this would have looked in an old newspaper, the article has been unchanged. You can learn more about the promotion here. You can also read the original pressbook and see what the insurance certificate looks like!]

Follow up: Thoughts on Ghostbusters

In the latest episode of 6ftplus, I rambled a bit about the casting news of the 2016 Ghostbusters movie. Some additional notes:

  • Yes, women have been Ghostbusters but they have been animated. I made note of this as a counterpoint to people who have lost their minds over the idea that somehow, being born without a penis disqualifies you from using a proton pack when there was some kind of evidence, although paltry, that showed Hey, women HAVE been Ghostbusters, why are you being an idiot about this? But I forgot that you can’t reason with someone who decides to publicly complain IN ALL CAPS that women might pretend to shoot lasers at ghosts. Yes, people in 2015 got upset that a MOVIE might show WOMEN pretending to shoot LASERS at GHOSTS.
  • I made note about how I’m reserved about Paul Feig directing, but Ivan Reitman had just as little ‘credentials’ before directing the first Ghostbusters. Ivan Reitman may have been a producer on a couple sci-fi themed elements, but directing wise? He came to Ghostbusters with two major hits under his belt – Stripes and Meatballs, both which featured the same comedian. Paul Feig comes to Ghostbusters with two* major hits** under HIS belt, both which feature the same comedian. It’s my own personal preference that a director with more experience at horror comedy take up this project, but the director of the original didn’t have such prerequisites so why expect them now?
  • I made a sarcastic jab at maybe they might do something novel as having a woman direct the sequel. This, I think, is still a valid criticism. Paul Feig has two recent hits* under his belt, which makes him appealing to a big-budget film. Plus, I’d wager that the studio sees some comfort in being able to add ‘FROM THE MAKERS OF BRIDESMAIDS AND THE HEAT’ to the promotional material as a way to assure people You laughed at these movies, so you’ll love THIS movie. But, are there women who are qualified to direct this movie? Yes! Should they have gone with any of them? OF COURSE. Is it a surprise that they didn’t? NOT AT ALL. The film industry is still horribly imbalanced with representation and so I think that having four women make up the cast of what aims to be a big blockbuster about fighting ghosts with lasers is a GOOD THING– allowing some film representation that indicates that all kinds of people can fight ghosts with lasers and not just one subset of the population–it’s not a knockout blow for equality. It’s just another successful punch in a long, ongoing fight.

So, that’s a follow-up. I didn’t convey these opinions completely in the episode, but I stand by the main points: It’s stupid to argue against the idea of women being able to pretend to shoot ghosts with lasers; while I personally prefer a different director was involved, he comes to the table as qualified as the guy who did the first film; and we need more diversity positions of creative direction to allow for a more diverse range of ideas and perspectives. The world is big enough to share. 

Hopefully, this all was conveyed in the 6ftplus bit, but if not, there you go. Thank you.


*Possibly three, as SPY comes out in April
**Or, maybe just one hit with Bridesmaids, as people didn’t seem to keen on The Heat and who knows, maybe SPY will flop and cause Ghostbusters to be put on hold. God, Hollywood. You’re so fickle.


6’+ Episode 137 is Up!

2013 Logo IconTo quote the description given at the new listing:

“We heat things up with a review of ‘Lust For Sacrilege,’ the new CALABRESE album in an installment of SIX THINGS. Plus, Monstermatt Patterson croons out some classics in the MONSTERMATT MINUTE. With music from SICK SICK SINNERS, WHIP BATS, THE PRINCE STREET GHOULS and much more.”

Remember to email 6′+ (contact at or leave a comment below about the show, whether you liked it or not. Tell your friends, leave a review on iTunes, but above all – enjoy.

You can find all episodes of 6′+ over at the official site as well as on iTunes and Stitcher. They’re also on Facebook and Twitter.

Review: Stuart Gordon’s DOLLS

DollsStuart Gordon’s Dolls is a film that was the staple of any horror section of a video store in the late 80’s and 90’s. And now, 27 years after it’s initial release, the folks over at Scream Factory have given Dolls a blu-ray release with all the bells and whistles.

Charles Band, who would later make films involving dolls such as Blood Dolls and PuppetMaster with his Full Moon Pictures company, executive produced and released Dolls through his Empire Pictures company after the success of Stuart Gordon’s most well known film Re-Animator and his follow up film, The Beyond.

Dolls is a sort of twisted moral fairy tale. When a group of strangers get stranded at the house of a seemingly gentle elderly couple and their house full of toys, the elderly toy maker being another theme that would carry over to the PuppetMaster series, they soon start realizing that not all is what it seems.

Dolls is considered a classic among horror buffs for a reason. Because it IS one of those unique films that isn’t like a hundred other films. Atleast, it wasn’t at the time. And after all these years, the film still holds up. And while some of the films in Stuart Gordon’s filmography are questionable at best, Robot Jox and Space Truckers comes to mind, this is one of his films that is executed to near perfection.

With strong performances by Guy Rolfe as the elderly toymaker and Stephen Lee as the goofy but lovable Ralph, both actors who carry a bulk of the film, and Carrie Lorraine as a child you actually feel for instead just wanting to slap for being annoying, the story comes across as genuinely interesting and engaging. Coupled with great camera work,cinematography and practical special effects, this film is a gem.

The new Blu-ray comes with a Making-Of featurette, cast and crew commentary, a retrospective featurette with interviews of most of the cast as well as Stuart Gordon, trailers and more. The HD transfer is beautiful and the sound quality is excellent.




Kraig Khaos. Kraig has a reoccuring feature on 6ftplus – Killer Kuts from Kraig Khaos – where he shares a song from a vinyl recording. Kraig has a new podcast called Uncommon Interests, where he discusses a wide range of pop culture ranging from the mainstream to deep underground.

a1231735561_2Surf music is a hard genre to break new ground in. People who don’t like surf music generally feel that all surf songs sound the same. People who love surf music generally love the familiar guitar tones and rapid snare drum beat. And instrumental music is a tough genre in which to convey specific ideas. But I’ll be damned if The Tiki Creeps haven’t taken the surf genre and flipped it on it’s ear.

If you dig surf music, then this a band you have to hear. Because Tiki Creeps do that very hard thing of making instrumental music that conveys exactly what it’s supposed to be saying while at the same time, bringing something new to the genre. It’s a little hard to explain, but I’ll try. Because I know just me saying, “Hey! This is awesome. Go listen to it!” isn’t going to make you jump right up and give it a go.

If a 1950’s sci-fi horror film had surf music as the score instead of the usual symphony, then Invaders From Beyond The Sound Of Surf would be it. When you hear a song like “The Crawling Terror!”, the music makes you actually feel like “Yes. THIS song should be titled ‘The Crawling Terror’”. They even soften it up a little with the song “Midnight Stroll” by letting the rhythm carry a smooth sound that you’d imagine would play during a midnight stroll scene in the aforementioned sci-fi horror film.

The Tiki Creeps obviously take a few influences from bands such as Coffin Daggers and Los Straightjackets as well as Dick Dale. But they aren’t afraid to branch out and try new stuff. Imagine what a song would sound like if it were a Mexican surf song. Is Mexican surf a thing? I don’t know, but the song “Mimosa” is exactly what you’d imagine one would sound like.

Invaders From Beyond The Sound of Surf, released in September 2014, is The Tiki Creeps’ first release. Seven songs of surf sonic, monster music madness! I can’t wait to see what they do next. Hopefully they will land on a cool label that will take a chance with them. Because I truly believe this Los Angeles,California band is capable of greatness. They have some shows coming up. So check out their facebook page at for dates. And go to their bandcamp page at and buy the CD with beautiful artwork by Doug P’Gosh or buy the digital download. And while you’re there, pick up one of their awesome logo tiki mask shirts to let everyone know that YOU are on the cutting edge of great surf sounds. Because in outer space, the surf is ALWAYS up.



6’+ Episode 136 is Up!

2013 Logo IconTo quote the description given at the new listing:

“Strange Jason loses his mind in a mindblowing episode that features DEADBOLT, Kim Fowley, MONSTERMATT PATTERSON, REVEREND BOOGEYMAN and a lot more that can not be said in polite company.”

Remember to email 6′+ (contact at or leave a comment below about the show, whether you liked it or not. Tell your friends, leave a review on iTunes, but above all – enjoy.

You can find all episodes of 6′+ over at the official site as well as on iTunes and Stitcher. They’re also on Facebook and Twitter.

Free (Legal) Download: A Shoggoth On The Roof

Yes, we have feathers/Ahh-aa-aa-ahh/But the muscles of men/Ahh-aa-aa-ahh

Given the number of productions of the (in)famous Lovecraft-themed parody of Fiddler on the Roof in recent years, it seems easy to assume every attempt was successful. Sadly that was not the case for what is said to be the earliest attempt due to it having never made it into the public view. I know what you might be thinking and, no, it was not just the people behind Fiddler on the Roof being litigious (although such issues have prevented other performances in the past). Let’s just say the events behind the cancellation of the Other Gods Theatre Company’s attempt at staging a production were far more…unusual. The H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society has put together a short film on the subject back in 2000 and has made it available for free online. Said film is available on the H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society website and you’ll need Quicktime in order to play it. If you don’t have it, you can download the player here. Since sources online differ on whether this is actually a documentary or mockumentary, you’ll just have to watch and decide for yourself. If that isn’t enough of a hook for you, let’s not forget how Chris Sarandon and Stuart Gordon appear in it!

But that’s not all! Their website also offers numerous audio and script samples from the play, including a free download of the track “Byakhee Byakhee.” If you want a high quality version of the film, then you should definitely pick up the combo pack containing a DVD of the film, the play’s soundtrack CD and libretto. Alternately, you can purchase the album and libretto separately.

UPDATE: The H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society has moved to a new URL! Sadly this means most of the above links are broken and some of the offers mentioned above are not currently available. Only the cast album is currently available for purchase at this time, but I will update this page when and if the other portions are restored.

Special thanks to the H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society for use of the image!

As always, Gravedigger’s Local 16 is not to be held responsible for anything that may occur (be it good or bad) as a result of downloading from any links given here. Attempt at your own discretion. Blah blah blah…

Presented Without Comment

Guest Post: The Panic Beats, A DATE WITH DEATH

Today, we share another guest post from Kraig Khaos. Kraig has a reoccuring feature on 6ftplus – Killer Kuts from Kraig Khaos – where he shares a song from a vinyl recording. Kraig has a new podcast called Uncommon Interests, where he discusses a wide range of pop culture ranging from the mainstream to deep underground.

Editor’s Note: This post initially was published without crediting Kraig Khaos. It has been amended.


a3233208765_2The Panic Beats returned this past Halloween season with a new full length album titled A Date With Death. Dale Van Thomme’s horror show of punk rock music has been kicking around for a few years now. And the new release really ups the ante.

As is with most Panic Beats albums, the songs on ‘A Date With Death’ are told through the eyes of a psychotic killer you’d find in an 80’s slasher film or an early 70’s giallo flick. So, lyrically, there is not too much new ground broken here. And some people might be put off or offended by the lyrics and see them as misogynistic; with song titles such as “Stalker,” “Love You To Death”, and “Dig Your Own Grave” and lyrics about kidnapping women and murder. But keep in mind, it’s all tongue in cheek and it IS, after all, called horror punk for a reason.

Where The Panic Beats really take off on this album is the music itself. They try a few new things and it totally works. If they stay on this track, I predict a long bloody career for this outfit. ‘A Date With Death’ utilizes harmonies, pitches and gang vocals that were previously RARELY, if ever, heard on previous albums. The guitar work and change ups are more complex and interesting as well. A lot of people refer to The Panic Beats sound as being akin to a Ramones sound with Misfits lyrics. And I think that’s kind of a cheap way out, because there is way more going on here.

The songs seem to stand out more and are more memorable on here than on most past albums. This is definitely The Panic Beats strongest outing to date.

The Panic Beats usually release most of their albums on vinyl; usually a limited edition colored run that usually sells out before I have a chance to buy it, and a black vinyl run. And it often comes with a poster that is different than the cover art of the album, but just as beautifully painted. Unfortunately, due to the labels that usually press The Panic Beats vinyl being over budget or way behind on their pressings in this economy, ‘A Date With Death’ has only thus far received only a digital and a CD release. As of this writing, there are only 3 CDs left. And for $5, it’s totally worth it.

So go on over to and check it out. While you’re there you can also pick up a copy of their last release, Rest In Pieces on blood red cassette that has been released by cassette only horror label Graveyard Calling.

6’+ Episode 135 is Up!

2013 Logo IconTo quote the description given at the new listing:

“A new year brings a new episode of 6ftplus. We finish looking back and start looking FORWARD. INTO. THE. FUTURE. We’ve got music from bands with upcoming releases – THEE TSUNAMIS, WOLFMEN OF MARS, CALABRESE, THE BROWNS and more. Plus, another installment of KILLER KUTS from Kraig Khaos and we break our New Year’s Resolution when we have another MONSTERMATT MINUTE with Monstermatt Patterson.”

Remember to email 6′+ (contact at or leave a comment below about the show, whether you liked it or not. Tell your friends, leave a review on iTunes, but above all – enjoy.

You can find all episodes of 6′+ over at the official site as well as on iTunes and Stitcher. They’re also on Facebook and Twitter.

Movie Review: The Return of the Vampire (1944)

return of the vampire Zombos Says: Good

Bela Lugosi's career didn't fare well after his initial fame with Dracula. Having apparently failed the makeup screen test for Frankenstein—though he wasn't overly found of playing the monster anyway—his reserved and aloof demeanor kept him from ingratiating himself with the Hollywood in-crowd. That, and the rapidly rising stardom of Boris Karloff after his noted portrayal of the Frankenstein Monster, put Lugosi in a deteriorating career position.

Although he created intensely unique and effective characters such as Dracula, Murder Legendre in White Zombie, and Ygor in Son of Frankenstein, he spent much of his time acting in lesser roles. After Dracula, he portrayed a "real" vampire onscreen only two more times; as Armand Tesla in The Return of the Vampire, and as the more comedic count in Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein.

Lew Landers' The Return of the Vampire plays like a Brothers Grimm fairytale. You have your evil villain, the occultist turned vampire, Armand Tesla (Bela Lugosi), his reluctant servant who is tragically caught between good and evil and lycanthropy, and a wartime beleaguered, bomb-ruined London as backdrop seething with revenge creeping in the foggy night.

The story begins as the first World War ends. Lady Jane (Frieda Inescot) and Dr. Saunders (Gilbert Emery) must come to terms with a vampire in their midst. After he attacks a child, Dr. Saunders convinces Lady Jane that their problem goes beyond scientific understanding, and the two set out to find the blood-sucking fiend. But not before Dr. Saunders reads up on the annoying supernatural pests, written by one Armand Tesla, noted authority in the field.

It is an ironic, somewhat foreboding comment Dr. Saunders makes regarding the limitations of science to convince Lady Jane of the existence of something not analyzable under her microscope; only a few years later, the inexplicable horrors of the supernatural world will be supplanted by the inexplicable mutant horrors wrought by science and radiation. After World War II and the atomic bomb, vampires and werewolves would appear less frightening compared to the threats from giant ants, giant spiders, and giant blobs.

The shift from personal destruction to mass destruction has begun.

As night approaches, Lady Jane and Dr. Saunders find Tesla in his coffin and drive a steel spike into his heart, freeing Andreas (Matt Willis), Tesla's werewolf servant, from his evil grasp, and ending Tesla's reign of terror. Years later, in the aftermath of a World War II Nazi bombing raid, civil defense workers mistakenly remove the spike from Tesla's heart, freeing him to seek vengeance on the family that stopped his vampiric-evil many years before. The scene is reminiscent of a similar scene in Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man, when Larry Talbot is freed from his tomb by two similarly bumbling, but not very civil-minded, grave robbers.

Andreas, whom the good Lady Jane took in as her laboratory assistant, once again succumbs to Tesla's evil mind control and turns back into his rather huggable werewolf form, gleefully killing people in order to help Tesla assume a new identity and execute his nefarious plan of vengeance against Lady Jane and her loved ones. Andreas' hirsute persona is more Jekyll and Hyde than a straightforward, rip-out-your-throat, bay at the full-moon, kind of werewolf. He's fully conscious of what he's doing, but simply loves killing people and being downright nasty when under Tesla's control.

Against the backdrop of bombed-out London—the aftermath of real horror brought about by the "Jerries"—Andreas and his undead master walk quietly amid the ruins unnoticed, anachronistic folkloric monsters in a tableau of a larger monstrosity, the death and destruction of war. It is an eerie composition; dark spookshow theatrics of cemeteries and fog mingling with scenes of carnage and black-out curtains.

The film moves well and Lugosi, while older, still plays the vampire with a sufficient touch of malice. The addition of his werewolf servant is an odd touch, especially since his servant doesn't act like a werewolf—he talks a lot and wears a suit—but it does provide a unique aspect to the storyline and the need for
redemption as Andreas fights for his salvation at the end. Why he becomes a werewolf when Tesla takes control of him is not explained, but Andreas retains his tie and voice whether he's hairy or clean-shaven, which is either sublimely ridiculous or deeply meaningful.

I vote for the former as it's more fun to watch than try to explain.

After Dr. Saunders dies in a plane crash, his manuscript, detailing the exploit with Armand Tesla many years before, falls into the hands of Sir Frederick Fleet of Scotland Yard (Miles Mander). Lady Jane is warned she may be implicated in a murder if Tesla's body is found, but Lady Jane takes up the good fight as she tries to convince Sir Fleet that body is still above ground and a vampire is prowling London. In true stiff upper lip fashion, she pouts in calm determination as Sir Fleet tish-toshes the notion politely, but both still work together to stop Tesla for good. As a woman of science and reason, Lady Jane's strong-willed professionalism foreshadows the career women that will soon grace many a sci-fi horror film in the decade to follow.

The Return of the Vampire is a good B-Movie that got lost in the transition from the Gothic-horror cycle to the scientifically-induced horrors of the 1950s. By 1944, Lugosi, the talking movie screen's first great monster star, exchanged his opera cape for a lab coat in Voodoo Man, and again in 1945 in Zombies on Broadway, playing a mad scientist. In the emerging world of science gone amoral, mad science became all the rage.

For poor Bela, his return was short-lived. He got lost in the transition also.

He deserved better.

This article originally appeared at From Zombos’ Closet.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 License.

6’+ Episode 134 is Up!

2013 Logo IconTo quote the description given at the new listing:

“After the break, we return! We wrap up 2014 with selections from Silent Horror, The Tiki Creeps, Psycho Charger, The House Of Haunt and more. Monstermatt Patterson tries to count down till midnight in 2014’s last Monstermatt Minute.”

Remember to email 6′+ (contact at or leave a comment below about the show, whether you liked it or not. Tell your friends, leave a review on iTunes, but above all – enjoy.

You can find all episodes of 6′+ over at the official site as well as on iTunes and Stitcher. They’re also on Facebook and Twitter.

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