6’+ Episode 152 is Up!

2013 Logo IconTo quote the description given at the new listing:

“Hear how many languages Strange Jason mangles throughout this annual international episode! Music from DIRTY FUSE< MODERN MONSTERS, CLOCKWORK PSYCHO and more. Monstermatt Patterson deals with a Mattyslvania Coup in a MONSTERMATT MINUTE and we find out that the Krypt of Khaos is Duty Free in another edition of KILLER KUTS."

Remember to email 6′+ (contact at 6ftplus.com) or leave a comment below about the show, whether you liked it or not. Tell your friends, leave a review on iTunes, but above all – enjoy.

You can find all episodes of 6′+ over at the official site as well as on iTunes and Stitcher. They’re also on Facebook, Twitter and SoundCloud.

Watching Night of the Demons (1988)

[The following occurred just a few days ago, after the writer decided to finally watch this 80’s horror classic]

[Well into the movie]

AMM: Oh, it looks like Linnea Quigley’s famous breast scene is about to start! I’ve heard it’s amazing.

[A little later]

AMM: Okay, she’s topless. Is this it? I swear, some people can be so immature when it comes t…

[The real reason this scene is so infamous happens, along with shocked reaction from the writer]

AMM: …wow.


AMM: This is what, the second time I’ve had this sort of reaction to a breast-based scene in a horror movie? I suck…

H.P. Lovecraft’s The Dunwich Horror

Is anyone else amused by an audio movie getting reviewed by a website called

Strange things are afoot in Dunwich, Massachusetts. The daughter of a local eccentric has given birth to a goatish-looking child named Wilbur who ages at a rapid rate. How rapid? He can walk and talk at only eleven months old and can pass for a teenager when he is four and a half! If this isn’t enough to raise the suspicions of the locals, the large cattle purchases, boarded up sections of their house and strange rites he participates in with his mother and grandfather certainly would. When Wilbur seeks out a copy of the Necronomicon at Miskatonic University, a chain of events is set off which could spell the end of humanity…

This production of Lovecraft’s famous story bills itself as “The World’s First Audiomovie” and despite other productions having made similar claims, I think this production’s claim is valid. I have seen several radio dramas having been referred to as audio movies, but that is merely a new name for a preexisting art form. Graphic Audio bills productions like Batman: The Stone King as “A Movie in your Mind,” but I think they come off as a hybrid of audio books and audio dramas rather than a movie. Especially since they focus more on producing an unabridged audio book which runs multiple hours rather than a standard movie length production. This audio movie does admittedly come off as a hybrid at times, but there is an in-story explanation for a character reading certain events. During the golden age of radio, many theaters stopped the films they were showing in order to play episodes of Amos ‘n’ Andy over their sound systems. However this was done to make sure people didn’t stay at home to listen to the show rather than as a standalone attraction. Only H.P. Lovecraft’s The Dunwich Horror was written specifically with theatrical showing in mind. In fact, it won the “Best of the Fest” award at the Edinburgh International Film Festival in 2010!

Given how most audio adaptations of the story end up being well under feature length, it should come as no surprise that new material has been added. This material is mostly original scenes, but there is also an adaptation of Lovecraft’s “History of the Necronomicon” included to bring those unfamiliar with Lovecraft’s work up to speed. There has been some trimming of dialogue and details to get a running time more appropriate for those not used to an audio-only experience, but is still faithful for the most part. Other changes include changing locations of scenes, adding some comedic material and expanding scenes which are merely described in the story into dramatized scenes. According to the free commentary track released on the project’s official Facebook page, the relocation of a scene originally set in a room to a train station was done to make things more interesting to the ear. It is an understandable change for an adaptation to make and I completely support it. I’m less sure about the decision to include some camp comedy. Sure I laughed, but it felt out of place to me. Similarly, I would have preferred the use of actual whipoorwhill sounds rather than the (admittedly well-made) spooky replacement effects. The Suspense and 19 Nocturne Boulevard audio adaptations of the tale made whippoorwills sound creepy and I think Bang! Productions could have done so as well. I also wish they hadn’t removed some dialogue from the end, especially since I had always found it to be creepy. Lovecraft fans will know what I’m talking about once they reach it.

The performances are good for the most part, with some exceptions. I thought everyone in the opening sequence were hilariously bad with the exception of Wilbur. Oddly enough, actor who portrayed the doctor’s performance was greatly improved when the character returned in a scene set years later. I have since learned some of the characters whose portrayals I enjoyed were performed by the same people who played characters I disliked! Everyone else delivers good performances, especially the person portraying Dr. Armitage. But when a cast member is dealt the task of the correct pronunciation of “Dunwich” or one of Lovecraft’s seemingly unpronounceable incantations, they always rise to the occasion. Whenever they provide descriptions of something from the story that was previously narration is natural and never sounds forced. They also handle the task of bringing the regional dialects the author described to life quite well. Oddly enough, Wilbur Whateley loses the dialect he used in the original. Not that it harms the story in any way. In fact, the strength of the story will hold the listener’s attention enough to make them forget such issues. The fantastic sound work doesn’t hurt, either! The soundtrack is great and never overwhelms the dialogue. The sound mixes for the horror scenes are especially amazing!

While the production does admittedly have some flaws, it is still highly enjoyable and well worth checking out. Sadly its only US release has been as an .mp3 download. I don’t know how “lossy” the compression is or isn’t, but I can’t imagine it comparing to how H.P. Lovecraft’s The Dunwich Horror sounds in a theater. I hope Bang! Productions will work out something with Gathr so interested people in it can arrange screenings in their area. It deserves to be experienced in the manner the creators originally intended. It would also help their planned follow-up adaptation of “The Rats in the Walls.” Considering the role sound plays in that particular tale, an audio movie version would be incredible. It will also be interesting to see how they get around the issue of the cat’s name…

Special thanks to Bang! Productions for the review copy!

6’+ Episode 151 is Up!

2013 Logo IconTo quote the description given at the new listing:

“There’s so much new music in 2015, that we had to take another episode to celebrate the first half of the year. Music from SKURKARNA, THE REVERB SYNDICATE, THE HEX DISPENSERS, MESSER CHUPS and more. Monstermatt Patterson spends some time, spinning some rhymes, with another MONSTERMATT MINUTE!”

Remember to email 6′+ (contact at 6ftplus.com) or leave a comment below about the show, whether you liked it or not. Tell your friends, leave a review on iTunes, but above all – enjoy.

You can find all episodes of 6′+ over at the official site as well as on iTunes and Stitcher. They’re also on Facebook, Twitter and SoundCloud.

6’+ Episode 150 is Up!

2013 Logo IconTo quote the description given at the new listing:

“It’s the best of the first half of the year, and commemorate a fanastic first six months with music from THE MANGLED DEAD, THE TIKI CREEPS, WANTON, THE OTHER, THE JIMMY PSYCHO EXPERIMENT and other bands who don’t begin with THE. Monstermatt Patterson brings a legendary MONSTERMATT MINUTE and we get DEADLY with another KILLER KUT from KRAIG KHAOS.”

Remember to email 6′+ (contact at 6ftplus.com) or leave a comment below about the show, whether you liked it or not. Tell your friends, leave a review on iTunes, but above all – enjoy.

You can find all episodes of 6′+ over at the official site as well as on iTunes and Stitcher. They’re also on Facebook, Twitter and SoundCloud.

Music to Game By V

As was the case last year, I’m going to take another look at the albums I reviewed for my 2014 “Music to Haunt By” article series with an eye on their use in tabletop role-playing games. The order of the albums once again reflects the order in which I reviewed them and does not reflect personal preference. Although I had to remove some tracks for spacing purposes, you can find the complete tracks in each of the links. Listening to Atrium Carceri has made me realize I have been neglecting the use of albums to create a general mood rather than a precise soundtrack to the events. Speaking of which, the founder of Atrium Carceri was also a founding member of Za Frûmi. That group’s dark fantasy tracks will be of definite interest to those seeming music for tabletop gaming. The use of sound in gaming seems to be growing, as evidenced by the availability of character SoundSets. But enough of that, let’s get to the reviews:

Music For Haunts – This album offers a lot of variety for game masters doing horror campaigns. Have an adventure involving a haunted circus or creepy children (if not both)? You’ll want to use tracks like “The Ringmaster’s Music Box,” “The Karnevil” and “A Child’s Nightmare.” I especially like the low key creepiness of the dark calliope music in that last track. Encounters with cannibals will benefit from “Gonna Make You BBQ.” Said track is heard on what appears to be a malfunctioning player, as it constantly stops and “rewinds.” It sounds happy and innocent at first, but the distorted singers’ love of meat can be off-putting. Hearing the titular line get repeated over and over again and having it sound eviler each time really drives home the double meaning of the phrase. Both “Noise In The Basement” and “The Apparition” work well together. Thee first of the two is a masterful combination of faded moans and spooky violin work while the second brings in a piano and wordless female vocals. It’s perfect for just about any supernatural encounter. The soft buildup of “Satan’s Microphone” leads us to evil effects, the sound of flames and dark tones. The intense buildup and creepy guitar screeches towards end are great touches. Why not use it as your players investigate a haunted boiler room? Being over twelve minutes in length, “Verfelgte” is the longest track on the album. Although there is some music, like brief burst of violins, it mostly consists of sound effects. There’s soft wind, clanking chains, creaking gates, dripping, eerie chimes, crackling flames, storm effects and so much more. One could even get away with using it on a loop for an entire gaming session.

Dulcet Jones – In the titular track “Halloween, I’m Afraid” the creepy organ-style tones and smashed glass beat create a lurking feel. Even the lighter moments and somewhat jaunty piano feel unsettling and odd, which could allow for use in an asylum or circus scenario. Want something with an 80’s horror vibe? Try “Tuckers Brother.” “Urban Crawl” offers subtle scares while the echoing guitars of “Electro Acoustic Lament,” coupled with wind effects, give the track a peaceful sci-fi feel. In situations where calming music is required, I recommend “The Ghost in my Guitar” and “Overmed Daydream.” Things get scary again with the opening track of the next album, “More Halloween, I’m Afraid.” The moody opening buildup and wind effects lead nicely into the electro beats and spooky “woo” noises. Despite the name, “Night Circus” can also be used in a variety of encounters thanks its eerie touches and scary organ work. “Asylum Wedding” offers organ work and strings that are soft, slow and moody. There’s a creepy music box feel at times and the drum machine kicks things up. “Release the Bats” would be perfect for the belfry thanks to its use of bells and stylized fluttering wings. Blasts of steam and an oddball music box join other audio oddities in “Steampunk Lullaby.” It’s off-kilter enough for an asylum or steampunk scenario. The acoustic guitars and plinking music box tones of “Lobotomy Ward” give it a mildly creepy feel while “Red Narasimha” amps up the scare factor thanks to little touches like wordless male vocals and wind effects.

Continue reading

Free RPG Day Is Here!

Does anyone else suddenly feel like crankin' some Zepplin?

It’s time for our annual unofficial celebration of Free RPG Day! If you missed our earlier post highlighting what items will be available this year, you can learn everything you need to know at the official Free RPG Day website. So once you’re finished supporting your local gaming store, be sure to check these out:

Wizards of the Coast has released the basic rules for Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition online for free, along with the basic Dungeon Master guide, Starter Characters and some character sheets! One review also reveals an awesome dungeon map. Similarly, here’s a neat freebie from Jared Von Hindman.

Don’t have anyone nearby interesting in gaming? Fear not, as Roll20 lets you run an entire gaming session online for free with people all over the internet. It’s run entirely in your browser, but Syrinscape will require a download to use the free trial (and snag some free Soundsets). Said program acts as a soundboard you can use to enhance your gaming experience.

Erang has some free gaming tracks available for download, along with an illustrated source book of sorts for a mythical kingdom.

In addition to their steampunk albums, Abney Park also has their own RPG called Airship Pirates. To promote said game, they are offering free downloads of things like character sheets and the Printable deck plans for an airship.

Pinnacle Entertainment Group has a bunch of free goodies, including the “Test Drive” rules for Savage Worlds while Vajra Enterprises has a “Lite Version” of Tibet: The RPG.

S. John Ross is a big deal in the world of tabletop gaming, so you can imagine why his website having a free stuff section is a big deal. But in addition to that and his list of RPG plot ideas are his downloads for Uresia: Grave of Heaven. Said game has recently been retooled as a setting for use with any RPG system!

Wikipedia has a ton of links to free adventures (and the compendium) for 7th Sea. This pirate themed game has some Lovecraftian elements…

Google Books is a game master’s best kept secret, as most people have no idea free previews of various gaming books are available there. They’re even less likely to suspect Dungeons & Dragons For Dummies has a free adventure in it, complete with stats! Although the preview doesn’t show all of it, it’s pretty easy for you to fill in the blanks. The guidebook for Neiyar: Land of Heaven and the Abyss offers up stats for creatures like the Clockwork Beetle, Chardara Bird, Chovoo, Corpse-Eater Lily and Fleshcutter Ant (among others) that are perfect for d20 jungle adventures.

The High Adventure Role Playing Lite rules are available for free downloading, as are “Nutshell” rules for Complete Omniversal Role Playing System and various books for Open D6. Exile Games also has a lot of free downloads, including ones for Hollow Earth Expedition!

In need of some old-looking photographs and newspaper clippings for your next Call of Cthulhu campaign? Then Wanokoto Labs and the California Digital Newspaper Collection should be right up you alley!

If that isn’t enough free stuff for you, check out 1KM1KT’s list of free RPGs. The administrator of this particular site also dispenses some great advice over at the Free RPG Blog.

UPDATE: Although the above Erang freebies are sadly now gone, you can find some replacements in 2016’s “Free RPG Day Is Here!”

Happy Free RPG Day!

As always, Gravedigger’s Local 16 is not to be held responsible for anything that may occur (be it good or bad) as a result of downloading from any links given here. Attempt at your own discretion. We make no guarantees about the future availability of the material listed above, so get them while you can. Blah blah blah…

Free RPG Day Is Coming!

June 20th is the 9th annual Free RPG Day. As you can see from the official Facebook page, they’ve really pulled out all the stops this year. Here are a few examples:

Castles and Crusades
Fifth Edition Fantasy
Hellas: Worlds of Sun and Stone
Through The Breach
Atlantis: The Second Age
You Iz Kobolds?!
13th Age/Night’s Black Agents
Cosmic Patrol

On top of that, there’s also a free dice tray (complete with flat dice), a game master screen in addition to the usual cards, dice and pencils.

To learn more about the event and see a list of participating retailers, check out the official Free RPG Day website. No game stores in your area? Don’t fret, as we’ll be posting our annual collection of free gaming downloads on the big day as part of our unofficial celebration of the event!

6’+ Episode 149 is Up!

2013 Logo IconTo quote the description given at the new listing:

“It’s Shovel vs. Knives in this new episode celebrating The Nightmare On Elm Street. Music from THEATER ZOMBIES, PHANTOM ROCKERS, ROCKIN’ BONES, ACTION ADVENTURE WORLD, 800 OCTANE and More! Monstermatt Patterson decides to recreate Johnny Depp’s scene from the first movie in a very gory edition of THE MONSTERMATT MINUTE!”

Remember to email 6′+ (contact at 6ftplus.com) or leave a comment below about the show, whether you liked it or not. Tell your friends, leave a review on iTunes, but above all – enjoy.

You can find all episodes of 6′+ over at the official site as well as on iTunes and Stitcher. They’re also on Facebook, Twitter and SoundCloud.

The King Plays The Haunted Majora Cartridge

“Ben Drowned” is a creepypasta about a haunted Nintendo 64 cartridge with one interesting detail which set it apart from the others. The author created a video of him “playing” the haunted cartridge in order to make he story seem more realistic. Since the game used to create it was Majora’s Mask, it wasn’t long before someone in the Youtube Poop community combined it with the infamous Zelda CD-i games:

The creator notes how this is their Youtube Poop in its description and it does show. But that’s nothing a little trimming wouldn’t have solved. The King shrieking and cursing at Link will never not be funny and the bit at the end was hilarious. Mah boi, this Poop is what all true warriors strive for!

Famous Nude Statue Featured in Movie

Linda Christian Oh, the time has come...

It took three months for Alvin K. Bubis, producer of “The Devil’s Hand,” currently showing at the Leathbridge Theatre, to convince Linda Christian to allow her famous nude statue to appear in the picture.

Filmgoers will recall that this undraped, lifesize, perfect likeness of Miss Christian was the talk of Hollywood several years ago. Tyrone Power, her late husband, commissioned a famous sculptor to do the nude reproduction of his wife for the garden of their home.

Many Hollywood columnists wrote stories on the remarkable statue, and it was the main topic of conversation at every Hollywood party. One of the reasons that Linda objected to the statue being used in “The Devil’s Hand” was that she feared that the furor would start all over again.

However, audiences can be glad that Bubis was able to persuade her to relent. The statue plays an important part in this story about a voodoo worshipping cult operating in the middle of a big city. Linda is the reincarnation of their love goddess, and her nude statue stands in the center of the cult’s strange temple.

Robert Alda co-stars in “The Devil’s Hand,” playing the part of a man lured into the dangerous and deadly set by the beautiful and wicked Miss Christian.

[This post is based around one of many prepared articles included in the pressbook for The Devil’s Hand. With the exception of adding a theater name in order to mimic how this would have looked in an old newspaper, the article has been unchanged. Given the typos and gross inaccuracies about voodoo, leaving this untouched was harder than usual. It’s sad how this was the only article about the film in the pressbook with the most horror connections. To see more, head on over to From Zombos’ Closet.]

Robert Kinoshita (1914-2014)

Robert Kinoshita was born in Los Angeles, California in 1914. His architecture and design degree in from the University of Southern California prepared him well for his future career in film. Some sources claim the first film he worked on was One Hundred Men and a Girl in 1937, but his earliest confirmed work in the motion picture industry wasn’t until 1954 when he designed the robot costume for Tobor the Great (not relation to the robot of the same name from the Captain Video and His Video Rangers series). I suspect the delay was due to his having spent time in an Arizona interment camp with his wife, including the journey back and other issues surrounding the release of Japanese Americans from the camps in 1945. Getting back to the subject of his film career, 1955 saw him working in the art department for the television series Luke and the Tenderfoot and as an art director for Science Fiction Theatre. He would work in similar positions far a wide variety of films and television shows. His involvement in Forbidden Planet led to one of the most iconic characters in science fiction: Robby the Robot. Part of the robot’s design was based on his design for tubs used in washing machines! The character was so popular that not only did he appear the the film The Invisible Boy, but the costume has been reused in many films, TV shows and commercials over numerous decades. You can even still find toy robots inspired by Robby in stores!

Kinoshita also designed the Jupiter 2 and the B9 robot for Lost in Space (two episodes saw Robby making guest appearances). This robot, which Kinoshita nicknamed “Blinky,” was later reused in the series Mystery Island. He later visited his Tobor creation in the Here Comes Tobor pilot in 1957. That year also saw him working on films like The Saga of the Viking Women and Their Voyage to the Waters of the Great Sea Serpent and Pharaoh’s Curse. 1961 saw him acting as an associate producer on the film The Phantom Planet. He officially exited the film industry in 1984, but would still appear in documentaries from time to time. He was also very open to meeting with fans, as demonstrated inn the following videos from famousbots and Thomas R:


I think it’s safe to say the only thing as impressive as Mr. Kinoshira’s legacy is how he lived until the ripe old age of 100!

6’+ Episode 148 is Up!

2013 Logo IconTo quote the description given at the new listing:

“Did the hiatus drive you MAD? Well, we’re back with music from NIGHT NURSE, THE MEN THAT WILL NOT BE BLAMED FOR NOTHING, KLINGONZ and more. Monstermatt Patterson decides to go crazy — and finds out it doesn’t take that long in a new MONSTERMATT MINUTE. And Kraig Khaos putts the crazy cherry on top of this nutzo sundae with another KILLER KUT.”

Remember to email 6′+ (contact at 6ftplus.com) or leave a comment below about the show, whether you liked it or not. Tell your friends, leave a review on iTunes, but above all – enjoy.

You can find all episodes of 6′+ over at the official site as well as on iTunes and Stitcher. They’re also on Facebook, Twitter and SoundCloud.

Free Zombie Music, Volume III

Check it out, one of the victims is copping a feel!

In honor of Zombie Awareness Month, here is my annual selection of 13 zombie tracks arranged in no particular order. I’m not kidding, either. One of my favorite selections from this batch is actually the final track. There’s a lot of great music to be found here and I’m actually a bit envious of listeners who will get to experience some of these bands for the first time all at the same time. Just be sure to click on the link on the left for the free download and the one on the right for the artist’s official website:

“RadioActive Teenage Zombies”Skattered Union
“Night of the Living Dead”The Renfields
“Dawn of the Dead”The Renfields
“‘Night of the Creeps’ Barrel​-​Chest Burger Combo”The Renfields
“The Graveyard Plague”Anima Morte
“The Revenant”Anima Morte
“Zombie Girl”Shake Jack
“I, Zombi”Gore Obsessed
“Zombiefied”Gore Obsessed
“The Dead Hate The Living”Gore Obsessed
“Don’t Say the ‘z’ Word”Lupen Tooth
“Zombies on Acid”Dr. Slothclaw
“A Priest And A Zombie Rent A Fishing Boat As Friends”DIEMONSTERDIE

As always, Ray O’Bannon is offering free printable CD sleeves and tons of other zombie goodies for you to enjoy. If you burn this compilation to a disc, I highly recommend using one of his sleeves to store it in. You can even print out the image illustrating this article and glue it onto the sleeve if you want to!

Special thanks to the CDC for offering the open source image (and to Bob Hobbs for creating it)!

As always, Gravedigger’s Local 16 is not to be held responsible for anything that may occur (be it good or bad) as a result of downloading from any links given here. Attempt at your own discretion. We make no guarantees about the future availability of the tracks listed above, so get them while you can. Blah blah blah…

SMBC Theater: Zombies

Remember SMBC Theater and their humorous takes on vampires and werewolves? Here’s their warped take on the living dead:

I wonder if they’ll ever do one on ghosts…

6’+ Delay: Spring Break

Hello, Dear Listener.

As you’ve noticed, there hasn’t been an episode in over week! Well, this remote corner of the Front Office of Gravediggers Local 16 is currently getting renovated. So, me, the Intern, the Atomic Mystery Monster, Monstermatt Patterson, Kraig Khaos and all the other 6ftplus crew are on break!

The next episode will drop sometime next week (of May 11th). Sorry for the disruption as of late. We’re trying to nail this down – honest!

I’ll talk at you soon. Until next time, Dear Listener, stay spooky.

-S. Jason

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